Verifier + Bluescreen viewer + fix BSOD + mbr til gpt fejl

1 year 1 month ago - 1 week 1 day ago #99 by JudgeFredd
Dette er den hurtige opsummerede og RETTEDE fremgangsmåde:

for at fikse bsod og andet, kan man hente og køre bluescreen viewer fra Nirsoft, og her se hvilken driver der forårsager fejlen. Denne (driver/fil) kan så efterfølgende omdøbes, afinstalleres eller fjernes.

OBS! hvis der vises fejl på system filer, som f.eks. ntoskrnl.exe skal disse selvfølgelig IKKE slettes..

Hvis man oplever en fejl, som f.eks. først opstår efter kloning og/eller konvertering til GPT fra MBR, kan man med fordel teste systemet inden kloning. Dette kan også være effektivt for at finde aperiodiske fejl.
Dette gøres med "Verifier". Det gøres på følgende måde.

Start terminal/consol i admin tilstand.
Indtast og kør Verifier

Herefter åbnes en terminal/vindue. Vælg "Create standard settings" klik næste og vælg herefter "Automatically select all drivers installed on this computer" klik på udfør.
Genstart PC, hvis der er "dårlige" drivere, vil der nu komme BSOD, herefter skal du starte til fejlsikret tilstand, køre Bluescreenviewer og finde og fjerne den/de dårlige drivere. 
Fortsæt med at genstarte, til systemet kan starte uden BSOD.

OBS! Deaktiver herefter verifier med kommandoen 
verifier -reset (det skal testes om verifier /reset kommandoen gør det samme, det virker sådan, elle rmåske er det i vikeligheden den eneste rigtige reset kommando..)
Se status (om det kører eller er deaktiveret)
verifier /query
Hvis der kommer en masse linier med oplysninger, så kører det stadig, hvis den skriver "no drivers are verified" så er det deaktiveret.

På nogle Lenovo systemer hvor der opstod fejl efter boot var ændre til GPT, har jeg fundet ud af at det var driveren "SM Bios" (driver fil= psadd.sys) der forårsagede det, den kan findes og fjernes via enhedshåndtering.

Nedenstående er tidligere indskrevet, og ikke gennemgået korrekt, det er dog bibeholdt, da der kan være yderligere oplysninger.

Nogle gange når man konverterer et mbr system til gpt, vil man efterfølgende kunne få fejlen Pagefault in nonpaged area, og andre typer bsod, her kan man evt. boote systemet på den gamle pc eller i mbr (inden konvertering), og køre "verifier" ifølge nedenstående (omtrentlige vejledning), den vil aktivere fejlsøgning af drivere og forårsage bsod man kan dog stadig starte til fejlsikret, og her kan man tjekke dump files fra bsod, brug evt. Nirsofts BlueScreenView til dette, der er også en vejledning af en slags længere nede, dybest set er "vejledningen" hele min "chat" med chatgpt..

Bluescreenview kan også bruges til at læse dump filer fra andre drev, der har bsod så det er et virkelig godt værktøj, til at stoppe bsod..

Det kan være vanskeligt at fjerne en driver hvis man ikke kan starte til fejlsikret, men man kan altid søge i windows mappen efter filen, og så slette (omdøb eller flyt dem hellere) dem.

OBS! hvis der vises fejl på system filer, som f.eks. ntoskrnl.exe skal disse selvfølgelig IKKE slettes..

DEAKTIVER verifier igen, hvis du har kørt det, ved at køre følgende kommando: verifier /reset

Uddrag/vejledning fra chatgpt:
if you want to remove all non-Windows default drivers, you can do so by using the "Driver Verifier" tool in Windows. Here's how to use it:

Open Command Prompt as Administrator:

Press Win + X, then select "Windows Terminal (Admin)" or "Command Prompt (Admin)."
Launch Driver Verifier:

In the Command Prompt, type the following command and press Enter:

The Driver Verifier Manager window will open. Check the option that says "Create standard settings" and click "Next."

Choose "Select individual settings from a full list."

In the list of settings, check the box next to "Automatically select all drivers installed on this computer," and uncheck all other options.
Finish Setup:

Click "Finish" and then "OK" in the warning prompt.
Reboot Your Computer:

Driver Verifier will now force a verification of all drivers during the next boot.
Reboot your computer.

During the boot process, Driver Verifier will check all drivers for issues. If it detects any non-Windows default drivers causing problems, it will cause a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) and provide information about the problematic driver.

After identifying the problematic driver, you can remove or update it using the methods mentioned in my previous response.

After resolving driver issues, you can disable Driver Verifier by running the "verifier" command again and selecting "Delete existing settings."
Please note that using Driver Verifier can be a powerful tool, but it should be used with caution as it can cause instability if not configured correctly. Make sure to create backups and be prepared for potential BSODs.

This process will help you identify and remove non-Windows default drivers causing issues on your system.

now my system won't boot, i get bsod with driver verifier detected violation, after that it started windows repair tool
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with the "Driver Verifier Detected Violation" BSOD. It seems that the Driver Verifier has indeed detected a problematic driver, but it's now causing boot problems. To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

Boot into Safe Mode:

If your system is currently in a boot loop, you may need to access Safe Mode. You can do this by interrupting the normal boot process several times (usually by turning off the computer while it's loading) or by using Windows installation media.
Disable Driver Verifier:

Once in Safe Mode, you can disable Driver Verifier. Open Command Prompt as Administrator and run this command:

Copy code
verifier /reset

After resetting the Driver Verifier, try to reboot your computer.
Check for Startup Repair:

If your computer still doesn't boot properly, allow the Windows Repair Tool to run and attempt repairs. It may fix any issues caused by the driver verifier.
Resolve the Problematic Driver:

Once your system is stable, you will need to identify and address the problematic driver that caused the issue in the first place. You can do this by looking at the information provided in the BSOD.
Reinstall or Update the Driver:

To resolve the issue, you'll need to either reinstall the problematic driver from a stable source (like the manufacturer's website) or update it to a compatible version.
Reboot and Test:

After dealing with the problematic driver, reboot your computer and check if it boots up without issues.

To find information from the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), you can use the "Minidump" files created by Windows when a BSOD occurs. Here's how to access and analyze these files:

Access Minidump Files:

Minidump files are typically located in the C:\Windows\Minidump folder. However, this folder may be hidden, so you may need to enable hidden files and folders in Windows Explorer.
Analyze Minidump Files:

You'll need a tool to analyze these files. A commonly used tool is "BlueScreenView," which provides an easy-to-read summary of BSOD information.
Download and Install BlueScreenView:

Download BlueScreenView from the NirSoft website or another trusted source. It's a standalone, portable application, so you don't need to install it.
Open BlueScreenView:

Run BlueScreenView as an administrator.
View the BSOD Information:

BlueScreenView will display a list of BSOD events with details like the date and time of the crash, the bug check code, the driver causing the issue, and the memory address at which the crash occurred.
Identify the Problematic Driver:

Look at the "Caused By Driver" column in BlueScreenView to identify the driver responsible for the BSOD. This is the driver you'll need to address.
Research and Fix:

Once you have the name of the problematic driver, you can research it online to find out if it's a known issue or if there are updates available. Visit the manufacturer's website for your hardware or search for driver updates.
Reboot and Test:

After updating or reinstalling the driver, reboot your computer and check if the issue is resolved.
Please keep in mind that BlueScreenView is a helpful tool for identifying issues, but it might not always provide a complete solution. It can, however, give you a starting point to pinpoint the problematic driver and take necessary actions to resolve the issue.
Last edit: 1 week 1 day ago by JudgeFredd.

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